Beat insecurity and instead feel calm and confident.

Rebecca Furber
3 min readDec 22, 2021

Being insecure can show up in many ways. It could mean that you feel on edge with your relationships and wonder if you are good enough. You might never feel gratification from finishing that latest task because you feel like someone else could do it better. It might make you rely on others to feel happiness and love.

Unsplash Priscilla Du Preez

This insecurity needs to become increasingly talked about because it can lead to being victims of controlling relationships, depression, and, in general, feeling low about ourselves when we are all amazing human beings and should value ourselves and our own values.

Why is it so hard to change?
When you feel insecure, it is hard to have the belief in yourself that you can change. It’s one of the main reasons people stay in the life they are and experience even though they are aware that life can be better.
You can get out feeling confident in your own skin.
You can go shopping and feel confident about your own choices.
You feel calm when you are in your own company in public.
There are so many ways being insecure can affect you, but what if some of your worst dreads can turn into something that you feel calm and confident doing.
You’ve got this even if it doesn’t feel like it right now:
I love this quote and feel it is so relevant for so many people:

Quote from unknown.

What we are saying to ourselves is essential, but it is easy to believe our negative thoughts about ourselves and our situation when we feel insecure. But know that only when you can get out of what you have known for this long can you bring change into your life. Every step you take and every thought you act upon to make a positive change moves you towards what you dream, that confidence in yourself.

But what is standing in the way of feeling secure?
One of the most significant barriers to start feeling secure in your body, mind, and soul is having low self-love.
Having low self-love makes it hard for you to see all the joy in what YOU do and what YOU experience and instead reply on other people’s validation. So instead, validate your own achievements, feelings and thoughts and start knowing that you’ve got this.

Unsplash — Jacksondavid

Self-love can take time to build. It can take action and attitude; you need to know that you are worth it. So take the first step to change your attitude about yourself and change your future instead of letting the past hold you back by booking a FREE discovery call to find out how we can do this:

Having the right mindset and attitude about yourself can help you take those actions feeling more confident and self-assured.
And never forget:
You deserve self-love
You deserve to feel empowered
And you are worth it



Rebecca Furber

I help people live the life they want without stress, anxiety or a negative mindset.